What is Rooted Wisdom All About?
Rooted Wisdom: Vision, Mission, and Values
Our vision is to facilitate a reconnection with our innate wisdom through ancestral healing practices and earth-based wisdom.
Our mission is to provide holistic healing guiding individuals on their transformative journey of reconnection, restoration, and personal evolution. We create a sacred space for individuals, supporting them in embodying their soulful well-being.
Our core values are grounded in Remembrance, Reconnection, Regeneration, and Respect. We honor the wisdom of our ancestors and foster a deep connection with the Earth and ourselves. Our approach regenerates the mind, body, and spirit, while always respecting the sacred teachings that guide us on this transformative journey.
Let us begin our journey with deep gratitude for the elder cultures of the world and their tireless efforts to preserve and share wisdom, ensuring it remains accessible for future generations to come.
The elder cultures of our world are living libraries of wisdom, holding the original ways that sustain both humanity and the ecosystems we depend on. We owe them our deepest respect, support, and gratitude. Without the wisdom of our elders, humanity would have lost the thread of who we are and why we are here. They show us how to live in harmony with life, making decisions that consider not only the wellbeing of the Earth but also the welfare of seven future generations.
Through their ceremonies, languages, and ways of life, they guide us in growing in balance with nature. Elder cultures approach decision-making from a spiritually and culturally grounded place, deeply connected to the land and its cycles. Wisdom is not easily attained—it comes through humbling oneself, letting go of ego, and aligning with the Earth’s rhythms to serve the greater good while becoming the best version of ourselves.

Origin Story of Rooted Wisdom
A little backstory…
Rooted Wisdom came out of a 20-year journey of following an inquiry, a inner calling to understand what happened in the spiritual disconnect of my cultural root system in the Western world
I don’t know how I did it, but I was blessed enough to make this inquiry my passion, my professional path, my road of service and core spiritual focus.
I dug deeply into questioning the Status QO worldview that dominated my educational background, my inherited religious setting, the governmental agencies and the economic system that seemed to fail humanity and nature.
I struggled to find a purpose wholesome enough, a spiritual awakening true enough and a worldview inclusive enough that encompassed a true holistic intelligence. I kept bouncing up against cultural models of living that were at the expense of Nature and the feminine principles of life. Never mind mentioning the ancestral links to our bloodlines, the living relationship to our ancestors in spirit and the land we live on. No book, no coach no classical Western Psychotherapist, and certainly no spiritual new age training was able to bring me to my true inner North I knew existed yet I wasn’t able to access.
IT took me into my late 20s to be brought to work with the Elder Cultures who turned my life around and brought me to the awareness of what this separation and pain I carried inside of myself was all about.
Years passed until I learned what truly happened to my ancestral root system and it’s cultural veins that got severed by the Roman Empire which decimated all European pre-Christian earth-based tribal cultures and their ways of life, assimilating them into Christendom.
Those ancestors of ours followed an animistic way of life and drew their cultural views out of whole-system cosmology. We had our Circle of Life fully intact, including our sacred Tree of Life as a portal to the individual, cultural, and cosmic self. We had our ceremonies, our songs and our wisdom keepers that made sure protocols and ways were handed to the next generations.
Yet being a Western woman who enjoys the privileges of a colonized setting, it was clear that I had to take responsibility for the cultural legacy of my colonizing ancestors and make sure this colonizing trauma gets healed within myself, my own cultural setting, and stops repeating itself through me and future generations to come.
The genocidal machinery that is perpetuated by colonized systems we still live and operate from within today has caused a lot of exploitation and pain and extracted the living systems to the point of collapse including their earth-protecting guardians, Original Nations, First Nation leaders living within those territories of life.
Being allowed to serve the elder cultures in their efforts of bicultural restoration was the healing remedy. at least I was beginning to feel like I was making a tiny Bit of a difference. Committing myself to shifting the historical burden created by my ancestors
My front-line service became my training ground. It allowed me to immerse myself in a whole variety of ancestral ways of prayer, ceremony, and healing that allowed my soul to awaken, my spirit to clean itself up, and for my heart to strengthen so that I could learn to let life flow through me as an Empty vessel of service.
Because like most of my Western brothers and sisters, I suffered from the same pain. A lack of healed ancestral roots, a disconnected struggling spirit, a fear-based broken heart perpetuated by a colonised mindset that didn’t allow me to come home to my inner core of healing wisdom. All of which we know, is the normal status quo state of being in my cultural setting.
“Wisdom is Honoring the source of true wisdom. the Elder Cultures of our World are our fountain of wisdom. They are the Root-system that feeds humanity’s ability to live in harmony with life.”

Christiane’s Training background
Reverend, Minister of Earth-Based Ways of Prayer
Ceremonial and Ritual Arts Facilitator
Constellation Practitioner
Certified Daoist Stone Medicine Practitioner
Soul Language and Archetypal Consciousness Consultant
Spiritual Healing Practitioner
Plant Medicine Practitioner
Pachakuti Mesa Carrier
NLP, Timeline, and Hypnotherapist Practitioner
Christiane’s ways of working…
Personalised to your Life circumstances, rythm and flow
Personalized to Your Life Circumstances, Rhythm, and Flow
Our work begins with a complimentary Rooting into Your Wisdom meet-and-greet session. From there, we co-design a collaborative plan that aligns with your unique needs and goals, making the process effortless and joyful. My intention is to support your journey powerfully, in the shortest time possible, while ensuring long-lasting results.
Sessions may range from a one-off meeting to a full moon cycle commitment, or a more extensive mentorship for significant life changes or urgent situations that require focused transformation. If you’re embarking on a learning journey to acquire new skills or tools, a 9-week commitment is typical, though you can adapt it to your own pace and schedule.
Aligned with your Soul Goals and Empowerment Milestones
All of my sessions, learning journeys, and programs are rooted in deep listening, creating a caring and trustworthy healing container that fosters lasting results aligned with your heartfelt intentions. I honor your sovereignty, free will, and your ability to step forward, receive, and embody the invitation for change and transformation. This process is centered around you—what your soul is guiding, what your higher self is pointing toward, and what your body and mind are ready to integrate within the time we have dedicated to working together.
Holistic in Approach and Process
I believe, from both personal experience and deep conviction, that our individual journey of healing is a return to innate wholeness, and awakening is intricately woven into that process. We are each born with creative gifts, soulful connection, and spiritual resources. Within us lies the profound ability to step into the true understanding of the enlightened self.
In my work, I integrate my skillset as a midwife mentor and hands-on healing practitioner, supporting you on this journey of awakening and self-discovery. To learn more about my professional training and expertise, please read below.